About Us
The story so far
This shop is born out of a familiar story. After having my second child I just couldn’t figure out how to make my job and seeing my children work so we packed our bags, moved back to my hometown of Bedford and I opened The Arc (right at the beginning of the Pandemic, but that is another story I’ll tell you over a glass of wine.)
Even with the disruption of the world changing pandemic I honestly wouldn’t want to be anywhere else, I have a smile every time I arrive at work and how many people can say that?
WHO WE Are now

We are an unashamedly fun place to be, if you giggle over a willy keyring then you’re one of us. We sell things we really love and we stock other companies we feel share the same ethos as us. It’s no surprise that as a fully female team a lot of the brands and artists we stock are also female lead. We have such a passion for what we do, the team are so knowledgeable on all our products from what the candles are made of the best way to frame a canvas. I’m truly, truly lucky that it hasn’t been just me on this journey, my team kick ass.
The shop itself is in the gorgeous riverside town of Bedford. We have a big space filled with loveliness. Two giant glitter balls twinkle over our Home, Kids, Art, Vintage and Framing sections. We have a huge range of cards and wrapping paper as well as a large gallery wall either featuring exhibitions or our ‘Wonderwall’ of ideal gallery wall prints to walk away with.
The place always smells delicious with the scent of fresh coffee coming from our cafe, You For Coffee.
We think it’s pretty ace and hope you will too.